7 seconds and beyond | Third Space

7 seconds and beyond

How to strike a lasting connection from a first impression
Thu 21 Mar 2019

Studies show that first impressions are made within the first few seconds of meeting. In the workplace, everything from your personal appearance, the tone of your voice and even the size of your smile set the stage upon which hunches, gut feelings and opinions arise. Before we’ve had the chance to demonstrate our abilities, the first impression is already cast. So, what are the secrets to making the best impression in those first few seconds? And how can you go beyond this initial impression into a stronger working relationship?

This is a topic that needs to be taken to The Edge.

Radio presenter Duncan Robinson will draw on his vast experience of interviewing people and connecting with them in seven seconds or less. Psychologist Jenny Brown will show us how to maintain long-lasting relationships through effective communication.


Duncan Robinson hosts the breakfast show on Hope 103.2 he has been in radio for almost 3 years, but when it comes to radio you count in dog years. Hope 103.2 reaches over 300,000 people weekly. Duncan along with his co-host Sam bring a fun, family-friendly atmosphere to a passionate team every morning.

Duncan is married to Carly, they have two kids Ruby and Max. Ruby actually talks more than her father and Max is a mastermind of mischief. Duncan also has a brown belt in Jiu-Jitsu, which is where the vast majority of his bruises and injuries come from.

You can follow him on Instagram at @ultrarobbo which is also his gamertag….he’s a little geeky.

Jenny Brown PhD is the author of the best-selling book Growing Yourself Up; that applies Murray Bowen’s family systems theory to life and relationships with a personal and accessible style.

Jenny is founder and director of The Family Systems Institute and the Family Systems Practice in Sydney, Australia. She has trained and earned academic awards at the University of Sydney and Columbia University New York. She has a PhD Social Science from the University of New South Wales. Her research focusses on parents and adolescents mental health. Simply put, Jenny knows her stuff.

Image credit: Marcus Lim
